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MakeSpace: Booking Flow & Dashboard

MakeSpace is an innovative storage startup that gives users the ability to store physical objects and keep track of them virtually. By using the MakeSpace on the web, users are able to keep track of their stuff, organize it, and create bookings for new storage requests.


Upgraded Booking Flow

As we designed the new booking flow for desktop, our goal to communicate (and visualize) various storage price tiers in a way that users could understand simply. We wanted to reduce overall friction in the flow, give users the right amount of information early and often, and provide supporting FAQ questions along the way. All of these decisions were done in and effort to bring users closer to the end of the funnel with ease.

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The goal was to create as little friction as possible while maintaining a focused user experience. 


We took a few approaches to improve this flow. We provided ample educational content early in Step 1, before prompting account creation. We paired each step with contextual FAQ questions to avoid abandoned pages. We provided constant communication within right review rail and held optional information until the last step, as a means to get users further along in the funnel.


Looking at the Whole Picture

When taking a step back, it’s easier to see how a first-time user would experience the booking flow, versus an existing user who would be operating from their dashboard.


A New Dashboard Experience

In developing a new dashboard, we ensured the experience mirrored paradigms set forth in iOS . Our goal was centralize all management features in one place. We made it easier to add more to storage, set up delivery or pickup appointments and track changes in your overall account

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Makespace: iOS App


Nest: Subscription Management Tool